senior man stands in front of the American flag at Brookview Meadows

Senior Health Spotlight: Dan’s Weight Loss Story

Making the move to a senior living community can be all that it takes to improve your health and lifestyle....

Older man with prescription medications

Medication Safety Tips for Seniors

Are you finding it difficult to keep track of and organize your prescription medications day in and day out? If...

Senior Group of Friends Exercise together

Ways to Boost the Immune System in Seniors

As we get older, it’s no surprise that our body starts to decline. Unfortunately, our immune system declines as we...

Senior couple having walk in winter wearing scarves and heavy, long coats.

A Senior Guide for Staying Active During the Winter Months

For many of us, winter can seem like a never-ending season with little sunshine and snowy, cold weather. Isolation and...

Three senior men laughing while exercising together.

National Men’s Health Month: It’s Time To Get Active and Healthy

While June is National Men’s Health Month, it’s always a good time to start focusing on your health. Whether you’re looking out for the man in your life or wanting to make a...