Senior living resources, insights, stories and tips

Welcome to our senior living resource center, your go-to source, where you can find practical advice, expert insights, and inspiring stories designed to help you make informed decisions and enrich your experience.

A community of seniors gathered together


Three senior men laughing while exercising together.

National Men’s Health Month: It’s Time To Get Active and Healthy

While June is National Men’s Health Month, it’s always a good time to start focusing on your health. Whether you’re looking out for the man in your life or wanting to make a...

Doctor discussing medical issues with senior patient

Winning In Life’s Game: Overcoming Challenges And Taking Opportunities In Your Golden Years

Reaching the golden years and retirement should be a time of joy where seniors can enjoy the fruits of their labor. Getting ready for this phase of life is crucial, though. Learn...

Seniors enjoying a bike ride during the Fall with orange and yellow leaves on the trees.

No Matter What The Season, Your Senior Will Be Ready

From hot to cold or cold to hot in no time. That’s how unpredictable the weather can be no matter what part of the country you are in. Here are some tips on how seniors can...

group of adults and seniors pose together

Transitioning to the Next Step: A Couple’s Journey to Senior Living

As retired couples enter into senior communities across the country, they bring with them a wealth of stories and memories of times past. Prior to moving into Independent Living...

Senior woman eating salad

Senior Nutrition: Feeding the Body, Mind and Soul

You’ve heard it all before: Loved ones constantly reminding, stressing and even insisting that you should be eating healthier.  And,...

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